Boosting Bee Populations
Most of us probably don’t appreciate just how important our bees are when we see them going about their business in the warmer months. But, quintessentially summer, these buzzy, bright insects are simply so essential that life cannot be sustained without them. So, it’s perhaps unsurprising that our black and yellow-furry friends have their very own celebratory day taking place on the 20th of May. World Bee Day launched in 2014, raises awareness of the vital role played by bees with a mission to protect and grow our pollinating friends and here at Balmy Fox, we’re super excited to join the quest!
No Life without Bees

Declining Bee Populations
Protecting and Boosting Bee Populations
Balmy Fox is barmy about bees; indeed, we’ve got our very own beehives here in Wales, so we know we all have a part to play in boosting bee populations. It doesn’t matter if you have a courtyard garden or six acres of land. Creating and developing vital habitats and food sources for our yellow friends will ensure their survival and help them flourish.
For example, a simple wildflower space in your garden or pots and containers with bee-friendly flowers will help keep our bees happy and thriving. And these areas aren’t just perfect for bees; they’ll be beautiful to look at and encourage other essential insects like butterflies too! And if you’re lucky enough to have plenty of land, why not develop a wildflower meadow or even take up beekeeping!
Creating these beautiful sites for bees to pollinate automatically allows bee populations to flourish and grow. And with more bees, we’re not just able to sustain our food supplies; we can actually produce more crops, increasing food supplies for our ever-evolving human population.
Beeswax Skincare – Using a Perfect Natural Ingredient
At Balmy Fox, we’re super excited about everything and anything natural, so it goes without saying that we recognise how important it is to preserve our bees and help boost populations. That’s why we have our very own beehives at Balmy Fox HQ. While our bees are busy pollinating flowers, plant life, and food crops, we utilise the beeswax in our non-vegan skincare products as the perfect humectant to lock in moisture in our beeswax balms—all sourced from our farm bees right here in Wales. Beeswax moisturiser can also help in healing bruises, inflammation and burns, so bees truly are a wonderful and unique species that don’t just benefit our environment and pollinate our crops; they produce something beneficial for our bodies that’s just utterly natural—not forgetting the yummy honey, of course!
World Bee Day - What You Can Do
Now spring is here with summer soon to follow, take a moment to consider those busy bees who’ve lovingly produced the honey you enjoy and who make your garden that little bit more summery with their cheerful buzzing. Plant those bee-friendly flowers in your pots, containers and garden beds or go wild and create a mini wildflower site. Bees love all sorts of flowers and plants, such as lavenders, crocus, sedums, and honeysuckle. They’ve also got excellent colour vision, so they’re naturally attracted to yellow, white, purple and blue flowers. Perhaps go one step further and petition your local council to plant wildflower sites on unused council land. And if you really want to see how amazing bees are, make space for your very own beehive and get into beekeeping. Ultimately, bees are our very essential friends, so let’s make them welcome!